PvP Brawl: Classic Ashran

02/14/2023 – 02/21/2023 This means war…….tug of war that is! In Classic Ashran players will have a chance to compete in the classic game of tug of war while also completing special quests and events around the zone.

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Dragonflight Dungeon Bonus Event

02/07/2023 – 02/14/2023 All week long any Dragonflight dungeon set to normal, heoric or mythic will drop extra loot when the final boss is killed. Note: Mythic+ will not drop extra loot. Be sure to pick up the weekly...

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Exalted PvP Night

02/12/2023 Dust off your PvP gear and join us for just about anything PvP related. It could be Rated Battle Grounds, Random Battle Grounds, Arenas, World PvP, or War Mode. For more info, please contact: Ramanas

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PvP Brawl: Southshore vs. Tarren Mills

02/07/2023 – 02/14/2023 Get ready for an absolute blood bath! In this 40 v 40 deathmatch style brawl you will need to band together or face certain defeat. The first faction to 150 points, earned by killing other players,...

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Love is in the Air

02/06/2023 – 02/20/2023 Love is in the Air is a world event celebrating love and friendships throughout Azeroth. You will find vendors of the Crown Chemical Company peddling candy, perfumes, colognes, and other seasonal goodies throughout the major cities....

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Darkmoon Faire

The Darkmoon Faire is open for business! 02/05/2023 – 02/11/2023 Meet Silas Darkmoon and his troupe, play games that test mind and nerve, and behold exotic sights from the four corners of Azeroth… and beyond!

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Exalted PvP Night

2/5/2023 3:00pm Server Time PvP Sundays are back!Dust off your PvP gear and join us for just about anything PvP related. It could be Rated Battle Grounds, Random Battle Grounds, Arenas, World PvP, or War Mode. For more info,...

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PvP Brawl: Temple of Hotmogu

01/31/2023 – 02/07/2023 One potato, two potato, let’s play a game of hot potato! Enter the Temple of Kotmogu for this fast-paced match. For a whole new twist, players will be able throw the Orb of Power to friendly...

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PvP Battleground Bonus Event

01/31/2023 – 02/07/2023 All this week heading to the Battlegrounds will net you some extra Honor you can use to purchase or upgrade your PvP gear. What are you waiting for? Get your PvP on!

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